Short Stories

Rediscovering short stories thanks to my U3A group. We’ve gone from the Russians (Tolstoy, Chekhov, Turgenev and Gogol) to Hemingway, and now, Alice Munro. Next stop: Katherine Mansfield. Recent revelations Continue reading

Far right ideologies

I’m just beginning to understand the far right world views that have overtaken democracy in countries like Hungary. With Victor Orban being the hero of Donald Trump, JD Vance and Continue reading

Implant Saga 17

July 8 I bit down on my temporary resin bottom plate with my one remaining top tooth and broke it for the third time – in my sleep. Only one Continue reading

Implant Saga 16

Oh dear, oh dear. This has been going on since Nov 2021 and I still have a temporary bridge on my lower jaw. To be fair to myself and the Continue reading

Implant Saga 15

What a turn up for the books! I’ve been bemoaning the fact that my bottom implant-anchored plate is not quite finished yet. It’s still covered in resin. It’s over two Continue reading