Oh dear, oh dear. This has been going on since Nov 2021 and I still have a temporary bridge on my lower jaw. To be fair to myself and the dental department, I have had a couple of detours with small cancers or near cancers occurring on my so-called good side. AND three top teeth have come out.

The good news is that today’s appointment went well and I learnt the name for the weird gadget used in December last year to check the implants and make a permanent bottom denture. It’s called a verification jig and is metallic with little cylinders which fit on the implants. There was a sigh of relief when it fitted today because I remember the unholy battle to beat it into shape last time.

I thought today’s appointment was to finish a temporary top plate but that was only part of the story. Today Simon took off the bottom plate at lightning speed because he had an electric screwdriver operated via a trolley. On previous occasions he has had to unscrew the plate manually and it has been difficult and time consuming.

I asked him if Botox in my masseter muscles would make any difference to my trismus – a firm no. As far as mouth opening goes he said the final product should give me more than a one finger opening between top and bottom teeth.

The technician is away so the toothipegs won’t be place on the base until June, I don’t think. I’ll survive – I’ve been wearing a mask since late December.

The good news is that there IS a long term plan for me to have an implant anchored upper plate. The maxfax has agreed to it and Simon will ask for four implants but two, he says, will do.
