Implant Saga 17

July 8 I bit down on my temporary resin bottom plate with my one remaining top tooth and broke it for the third time – in my sleep. Only one Continue reading

Implant Saga 16

Oh dear, oh dear. This has been going on since Nov 2021 and I still have a temporary bridge on my lower jaw. To be fair to myself and the Continue reading

Implant Saga 15

What a turn up for the books! I’ve been bemoaning the fact that my bottom implant-anchored plate is not quite finished yet. It’s still covered in resin. It’s over two Continue reading

Implant Saga 14

It’s a long time since I’ve updated my implant story because it has taken some odd twists and turns and because it has taken such a godawful long time. Present Continue reading

Implant Saga 13

My four implants have caused me no trouble at all. Placed in my right lower jaw, they march from the back of my mouth to the centre. On top of Continue reading

Implant Saga 12

So , some time ago I received my top teeth – partial metal denture. Now I am whole – albeit with lots of caveats. My bottom implant-anchored bridge is still Continue reading

Smiling again: Implant Saga 10

Two high stakes trips to two different hospitals over two days. Middlemore yesterday, Auckland today.  The possibility of front teeth after 14 months without. The prospect of another cancer because Continue reading

Implant Saga 7

Wow! What a day. Off to Middlemore, then Auckland Hospital, then back to Middlemore. We left at 7.50 and got home at 4.40 but that is partly because we stopped Continue reading